What Is Class 1, Class 2, and Class 3 Electric Bicycle? A Guide for You!
Class 3 electric bicycles with the other two classes of bicycles are getting increasingly popular in recent years. But when this word hits, some people may wonder what an electric bicycle is, and what differences exist between class1, class 2, and class 3. Thus, today, let’s disclose the secrets of electric bicycles. What is an electric bicycle? Electric bicycles, also known as e-bikes, are actually bicycles equipped with motors, assisted...

How Do Electric Bikes Work? Check this Out!
How do electric bikes work? Is it the same as a motorcycle? Some people confuse electric bicycles and motorcycles when they first encounter this term, but they are not the same thing. Motorcycles need to burn oil, which is relatively polluting to the atmosphere, consumes a lot of fuel, and is more expensive. Electric bicycles use a motor to assist the movement of the pedals, thereby reducing the burden of...

Do You Need a License for an Electric Bike? Check This Quickly!
Do you need a license for an electric bike or not? Electric bikes have exploded in popularity in just a few short years, and more and more people are discovering that they're not just toys, or just for short commutes. E-bikes are great outdoor cyclists who can help you explore and travel around the neighborhood!! However, before starting to buy this new type of transportation, some people will ask the...

How Much Are Electric Bikes and What Need to Consider When Choose One?
How much are electric bikes? As a more energy-efficient and faster means of transportation, e-bikes have advantages that are difficult to achieve with traditional bicycles. Likewise, the prices and maintenance costs are significantly higher than those of traditional bicycles.In the market, we can choose the right e-bike for us according to our budget and needs. How much are electric bikes? Usually, they are divided into three price ranges: under $1000,...

How to Measure the Size of Bike So You Won’t Waste the Money?
How to measure the size of the bike? As e-bikes get more and more popular, you may want to buy one for yourself. Measuring an e-bike before you buy one is very important, so you can find a bike that fits your body shape or height, and there is no pain when cycling. First of all, you should know which part you will need to measure the size. If you...

Are You Looking for an Electric Bicycle with Big Tires?
Are You Looking for an Electric Bicycle with Big Tires? Do you want to buy an electric bicycle with big tires? Some people will ask how to choose the tires of a bike. There are too many types of electric bicycles with different types and motors on the market, and it is very difficult to choose. The choice of tires must match the bike. If they do not match, no...

What Do You Need to Know When Choosing the Best Electric Bike Rack?
Bike lovers will not miss the chance of buying the best electric bike rack! Today, the bicycle no longer exists as a means of transportation but has become a fashionable fitness product. Especially for a special group of people who like to ride and need to use bicycles for short commutes, bicycles, or electric bicycles are too important. But the parking place is very troublesome. Why do we need an...

What Is E-biking? Is It Worth Buying? Beginner's Guide To e-Bikes!
Many people may have heard of e-bikes and wonder what is e biking these days. Now that road congestion is worsening, electric bicycles have become a good choice for people to travel short distances, like grocery shopping and commuting. e-bikes offer an efficient and energy-saving way to get around. What is E biking? E-biking is also known as e-bikes, which stands for electric bicycles. E-bikes refer to motorized bicycles with...